
Following is a collection of the areas in which I have established knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA) which I show here as Strengths. Some of these strengths are areas in which I have a lot of hands-on experience, and some are skills I’ve acquired but have not the opportunities yet to exercise them. Others are areas in which I’ve had a variable degree of exposure.

These strengths are grouped into these three categories:

The hosting environment, device, or system on which an application is specifically designed to reside.
A framework is loosely described as the necessary libraries, classes, and development tools which will be used to build an application.
Languages refer to the programming languages in which the application is written. Many applications often use several languages to develop a complete product. For example, I often use C# for the backend code, HTML, CSS, and jQuery for the frontend code.

By default, the strengths view displays all of these. You can filter these strengths using the Category dropdown in the command bar below.

A free web framework for building Web sites and Web applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Create Web APIs, mobile sites and use real-time technologies.
Blazor is a Single Page Application development framework from the ASP.NET team that allows developers to write rich web UI experiences using HTML, CSS, and C# instead of JavaScript.
A popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
Mvc is a framework that is built on the separation of Model, Views and Controllers.
Silverlight is a powerful development tool for creating engaging, interactive user experiences for Web and mobile applications.